

トップ > アーティスト名「ら」 > LOVE PSYCHEDELICO




ギター | ウクレレ | ピアノ | ベース | パワーコード
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    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    BmRun around, Drun around

    A夢の先 Ghigh way

    BmHurry up, Dhurry now

    A日よりの Gsignal

    BmEvery time, Deverywhere



    ARunning to the Ganother world

    Bm D ARunning to the Ganother world

    BmRun, Dbaby, run

    A雨のようにG消える tonight

    BmAre you Dready, now?

    Aけ抜けて Gfar away

    BmCarnival, Dcarnival

    A光の先へ Gfly away

    BmEasy come, Deasy go

    A未だ見ぬ Chighway

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    GRight now

    B♭Right now, are you Cready, now?

    BmC'mon, Dc'mon

    A君を待つ Ghighway

    BmRight, Don your right

    A舞い降りる Glove song

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    A君の中 Ganother world

    Bm D ARunning to the Ganother world

    Bm D A G

    BmRun, Dbaby, run

    A迎え入れる Gmelody line

    BmEveryone, Deverything

    C共にゆこう highway

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    GRight now

    B♭Right now, Clet it out

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    A君の中 Ganother N.C.world

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A C


    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    GRight now, B♭right Cnow

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, let it out

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    DRight now

    CEverybody, are you ready, now?

    EAre you ready to go Bto the another Aworld?

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    Bm D A G

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way (running to the another world)

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way (running to the another world)

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way (running to the another world)

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way (running to the another world)

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way (running to the another world)

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    BmDon't Dhide your way

    ADon't Ghide your way

    右利き | 左利き



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