



トップ > アーティスト名「え」 > Elton John

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Your Song  Elton John

作詞 : Elton John/作曲 : Bernie Taupin

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    E♭ A♭ B♭ A♭

    E♭It's a little bitA♭funny,B♭this feeling inGmside

    CmI'm not one of thCm7ose who canAm7-5easilyA♭hide

    E♭I don't have muchB♭money, but,Gboy if ICmdid

    E♭I'd buy a bigFmhouse whereA♭we both couldB♭live

    E♭If I was a scuA♭lptor, (heh,)B♭but then againGmno

    Or a mCman who makesCm7potions in aAm7-5travelling shA♭ow

    IE♭know it's not mB♭uch but it's the bGest I can dCmo

    E♭My gift is myFmsong, andA♭this one's for youE♭ A♭ E♭

    B♭And you can tellCmeverybodyFmthis is your sA♭ong

    B♭It may be qCmuite simple butFmnow that it's dA♭one

    CmI hope you don't mind, Cm7I hope you don't mind

    Am7-5That I put down inA♭words,

    HowE♭wonderfulFmlife is whileA♭you're in the woB♭rld

    E♭ A♭ B♭ A♭

    E♭I sat on theA♭roofB♭and kicked off theGmmoss

    Well aCmfew of theCm7verses, well they've gotAm7-5me quite cA♭ross

    E♭But the sun's beenB♭quite kind,Gwhile I wrote thisCmsong

    E♭It's for people likeFm7you thatA♭keep it turnB♭ed on

    E♭So excuse me forA♭getting,B♭but these thingGms I do

    CmYou see I've forCm7gotten if they're greAm7-5en or they're blA♭ue

    E♭Anyway, the thing is,B♭what I reallyGmeanCm

    E♭Yours are theFmsweetest eyesA♭I've ever seeE♭n A♭ E♭

    B♭And you can tellCmeverybodyFmthis is yourA♭song

    B♭It may beCmquite simple butFmnow that it'sA♭done

    CmI hope you don't mind,Cm7I hope you don't mind

    Am7-5That I put down inA♭words,

    HowE♭wonderfulFmlife is whileA♭you're in the woB♭rld

    CmI hope you don't mind,Cm7I hope you don't mind

    Am7-5That I put down inA♭words,

    HowE♭wonderfulFmlife is whileA♭you're in the woE♭rld

    A♭ B♭ A♭ E♭

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